The pieces. Arguably the most recognizable aspect of the game. |
The famous game of trivia. Another highly famous part of the game is the pieces that are used. The iconic coloured Pie Slices can be recognized almost instantly by many people across the world.the coloured pieces represent the question categories that the players must know trivia in. Answering questions gives the corresponding piece which slots into the yellow cylinder base piece. The first player to fill the base piece with all of the colours and moves to the centre of the board wins.
The board has spaces the same colours as the pieces and landing on one whil mean that aquestion of that catagory will be asked to the player. Players move by rolling dice. There is also a 7th colour, Grey, which results the player rolling again when landed upon.
Here is the board, the palyers must complete their Base Piece with all 6 colours before they can travel to the centre and win.
Board Image Source:
Pieces Image Source: