Mixing Styles Part 3

This week a lot of progress has been made in imitating the Styles of Ashley Wood and Marek Okon. These concepts I'm drawing in these styles should be finished by next week.

Here they are:
This is in the style of Marek Okon. It has a lot work that needs to be done to make it look photorealistic like this style. It's unlikely it will look photosrealistic when finished, but I'll work on it.

This is my approach to Ashley Wood's style of painting. I didn't use any lines, which shows why it is so rough. The background colours were taken from the general colour scheme Wood tends to use. There is a giant mushroom in the background,  not sure why. Might make it a theme. This picture should be finished soon.

The finished images look largely the same. It was interesting to try and imitate another persons style of drawing. The assignemnt wasn't really seeing how well we copy the style, but how well we can cope trying to draw in a different way to we regularily do. I liked drawing in Sean Galloway's style as it is a cartoony style and I am much more interested in this art style. Marek Okon's style of drawing wasn't really that interesting, it was just trying to imitate real life. It seems to lack a little creativity, leaving aside the actual characters within the drawings, just trying to make images look realistic seems a little boring. As for Ashley Wood's style of painting, I found this quite interesting. I decided to not use any lines within my painting and used a similar pallet. It was good as it was so different than what I'm used to drawing.

Social Games: Logo Board Game

Name: Logo Board Game
Year of Release: 2011
Rules: Players gain points by answering questions correctly relating to the business behind the logos. Questions answered right allow the players to move around the board to centre winners circle.

It's enjoyable to see when a friend doesn't recognise a major business logo, creating excitement as players try to guess franticly as they don't want to seem stupid.

Inspired: Many smartphone apps are a game similar to this, where players gain points fro guesing logos correctly. They also lose points if they guess incorrectly.

The board

Social Games: Jenga

Name:  Jenga
Year of Release: 1983
Rules: First a tower is built in layers made of 3 block put side by side, rotating the direction the blocks face each layer.

The players must pull out one of the blocks on their turn from the tower. The piece taken must be placed on the top of the tower in a similar fashion to how they are placed at the beginning. The player that makes the tower fall loses.                                                               

Defining Features:
This game was unique at the time as it was about balance in a 3D space. Players must be cunning and try to lure the other players into a trap where the tower will collapse on their turn, allowing the craftiest player to win. A good understadning of balance also helps.

Information gathered from http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/2452/jenga