Creating a Timeline of Social Board Games: Ticket to Ride

Here is the board from a British version of the game

Interestingly, i heard about this game from Xbox Live Arcade. I didn't know it was a board game until it was shown during a lecture in introduction to games design. the game is basically a game about creating train routes. It's surprisingly fun due to the colourful visuals and inclusion of real world locations.

Players must collect coloured cards which can be used to create routes. Cards are drawn at random so players don't know what colours they get. Players gets points based on the length of railways and if the player can complete the destination tickets they get by connecting to very distant cities.

During  a turn the player can either draw train cards (the coloured cards needed to create a route), create a route or draw more destination tickets.

This game is social more between friends who have an interest in trains. Arguments may arise as one player may seem lucky and get all of one colour cards, meaning they can easily build the longest routes.

Here is a link to where I got information from:


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