To get a better understanding the games profession my group must research the history of Social board and video games. I'm going to try and make some kind of power point presentation with a quick timeline of as many social board games as possible (games that are played with friends). I will go into more detail about 5 specific games and what defines them as social board/video games.
Some of the games I will be looking at are Mouse Trap, Twister, Yahtzee and some other less famous ones. I'll be researching boardgames and physical games and Nigel (the person I'm working with) will be tasked with researching social video games.
The main games I will look into are Mouse Trap, Twister, Yahtzee, Buckaroo, Carcassonne, Logo Board Game, Pictionary, Primordial Soup, Scrabble, Ticket to Ride, Trivial Pursuit, KerPlunk and Jenga.
For the timeline I'll try to mention as many games as possible but as games tend to have multiplayer and so the timeline will have many entries. For example, nearly all board games are social in some way as they are played with others in the same room.
I'll note down the rules of each game and the year it released to allow them to be sorted into a timeline. Here is the format a presentation slide will take:
Year of Release:
Defining Features:
Each slide will be ordered chronologically. Here is an example slide, using Twister:
Name: Twister
Year of Release: 1966
A large mat is put on the floor and the players follow instructions from a spinner which will land on a colour (Red, Blue, Green or Yellow) and a body part (Left hand or foot, right hand or foot) which tells the player where to place the body part on the mat. The person who falls over or any part of their body other than hands or feet touches the mat loses.
Defining Features:
This game is very social as it forces players to contort around other players to reach different areas. It is a very active game which requires the players to bend in awkward game. It often gives interesting social interactions between players as they have fun and laugh at themselves and other players getting stuck or having to move awkwardly.
I'll do this for each game and will be using websites like boardgamegeek and others which give overviews of the game and the year they were published, to allow atimeline to be created.
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